Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar

"Man får inte leva om sitt liv. Det är det som är själva grejen."
Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar, fy fan vad fin!
"Det var dem som älskade mest, de av kärlek besatta, det var dem som frosten tog."
Herregud. Fantastisk serie. Helt fantastisk.
Ett första steg

Så. Nu jävlar. Den där tjejen ska jag bli. Idag, mitt i tentapaniken som är det minsta av mina problem, tog jag första steget, skitläskigt men asbra. Nu jävlar.
My eyes can't look at you any other way

Letade efter någon att dela den här låten med, men kunde inte komma på någon som skulle förstå storheten jag ser i den. Håller på att spricka av känslan, så jag gör det här.
This place is a hole, but I don't want to go
I wish we could stay here forever alone
This time that we waste, but I still love your taste
Don't let him take my place don't just sit there
Sometimes I wish you would leave me
I'm not sick of you yet
Is that as good as it gets
I'll just hide it, or I could slip into you
It's so easy to come back into you
I stared for awhile and waited for words
Seen but not heard and struggle to try
My tongue's turning black, but I'll take you back
You're still the best more or less, I guess, I guess
Don't you leave me
I'm not sick of you yet
Is that as good as it gets
I'll just hide it, or I could slip into you
It's so easy to come back into you
It hurts me to say that it hurts me to stay
And it might be alright if you go
It hurts me to say that I want you to stay
And it might be alright if you go
So leave me
I'm not sick of you yet
Is that as good as it gets
I'll just hide it, or I could slip into you
It's so easy to come back into you
Sometimes I think that the bitter in you and the quitter in me
Is the bitter in you and the quitter in me
The bitter in you and the quitter in me
Is the better in you and the quitter in me
The bitter in you and the quitter in me is bigger than the both of us
I wish we could stay here forever alone
This time that we waste, but I still love your taste
Don't let him take my place don't just sit there
Sometimes I wish you would leave me
I'm not sick of you yet
Is that as good as it gets
I'll just hide it, or I could slip into you
It's so easy to come back into you
I stared for awhile and waited for words
Seen but not heard and struggle to try
My tongue's turning black, but I'll take you back
You're still the best more or less, I guess, I guess
Don't you leave me
I'm not sick of you yet
Is that as good as it gets
I'll just hide it, or I could slip into you
It's so easy to come back into you
It hurts me to say that it hurts me to stay
And it might be alright if you go
It hurts me to say that I want you to stay
And it might be alright if you go
So leave me
I'm not sick of you yet
Is that as good as it gets
I'll just hide it, or I could slip into you
It's so easy to come back into you
Sometimes I think that the bitter in you and the quitter in me
Is the bitter in you and the quitter in me
The bitter in you and the quitter in me
Is the better in you and the quitter in me
The bitter in you and the quitter in me is bigger than the both of us